We had our nuchal translucency ultrasound on Dec 2nd. It went amazingly! I met with a genetic counselor and a Perinatoligist from OHSU as well. He said and I quote, "Babies look perfect!" - music to my ears! He said there is no reason to be concerned about any genetic abnormalities and no signs of Down Syndrome or heart defects and a list of other defects and deformities that they look for at this appointment. PRAISE GOD! Here's what I saw that day...
Baby A is on top, Baby B is on the bottom!
After spending an hour with the ultrasound tech, who informed me it was too early to detect gender at just 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant, the Perinatologist came in. He plopped the doppler down and within about 6.4 seconds asked, "Do you want to know gender?" YES! He took a good peek at both babies and was able to detect with 70-80% accuracy what their little "genitalia buds" were starting to develop into! I'm not going to tell you yet because I'm going to wait until our anatomy scan on January 5th to be sure. Let's just say, I really hope he's right!!!!!
This last Thursday, I was 16 weeks pregnant. On Wednesday night, I was sitting on the couch with my legs crossed eating chips and salsa and with distinct certainty, I felt baby B move! It was exactly how everyone says it feels - a little flutter! Baby B is on my left. Then, just last night, as we were locking up the shoppe and walking out of the boutique, I felt baby A very distinctly on my right! It was amazing! I can't wait until I feel them both on a regular basis which may not be for awhile still. These early weeks, movement will be really inconsistent and sporadic. I have 2 anterior placentas too, which means the thickest part of both placentas is facing outward, so it will be even longer until I (or anyone else) can feel their movement from the outside.
Everyone says second trimester is amazing and that nausea ends and your energy returns...I'm not quite there yet. I'm hoping that after the stress of owning a retail shoppe in the midst of the holiday season is over, that maybe this will be true! I'm closer than I was...more good days than nauseous ones at least! I'll take it!
All in all, things are going really smoothly! I can't wait until January 5th, when we can take another long look at them and really see gender for sure! I have been so good and haven't bought anything yet. I take that back, I bought a Solly Baby Wrap on Cyber Monday, - but that's it! I've been waiting to know for sure before doing any clothing or nursery related purchasing. BTW, the Solly Baby Wrap is awesome - I tried it out with a Cabbage Patch Doll (hilarious, right?) to make sure I could do it somewhat properly. I took a picture, but I'll spare you my ridiculousness. Ty suggested trying it with the cat, but I didn't want my beautiful new wrap all hairy and shredded before the babies get here :)
I promise a good belly shot in my next post! I'm rather rotund already and I'm not even half way there!! Eek!