Tuesday, September 16th, was a big day. We did our first Frozen Embryo Transfer!
To be honest, the appointment itself was rather ordinary. We were in the office a total of 30 minutes, 20 of which was spent just laying flat afterwards. I was telling Danny, as significant and life-changing of an appointment that it is, it really is a very simple, mundane appointment! The transfer itself went so quickly, then he sends you on your way with a "see you next week"...what? It's that easy? No fan fair? No applause? No balloons? No cake? We just put 2 babies inside my body, people!! People keep asking me how I'm feeling? Well, to be honest, I feel nothing! Of course I wouldn't feel anything physically yet, but I don't really feel anything emotionally either. I'm driving in neutral. I suppose that's a good way of guarding my heart, but talk about anti-climactic! At least serve cake...
Anyway, speaking of cake - a FET is a total cake walk. No pain, no bloating, no injections, not much of anything. It was a classic, text book transfer, and for that we are grateful. Here's my doctor (love him!) pointing out the embryos in the tip of the catheter...it's really just a clear straw. Didn't even feel it!
And here are our beautiful, bouncing baby embies! Nestle in my darlings...snuggle up. Mama's got you...
The embryologist came out with our pictures and again explained what we were looking at. They can ALREADY tell the parts of an embryo. Keep in mind, these embryos are only 6 days old. I repeat: 6 days. They were originally fertilized December 5, 2013 and frozen on December 10th, after 5 days in an incubator doing their cellular division and multiplying. I had 15 embryos in the freezer, they took out 2, and the first 2 were these beauties. It only takes them about 40 minutes to thaw, so upon thawing, last Tuesday adds a day in embryo time, so they were 6 days old going in.
Here is a little info on what you're looking at. The embryologist said the one on the right hadn't fully plumped back up in this image, but by the time they entered the catheter, they both looked full and healthy like the one on the left.
You can see the mass of cells that actually becomes the baby. Can you say, MIRACLE? Amazing. Although, this journey hasn't been the most romantic and fun, I can say with certainty, it has been a fascinating one. I would do it again in a heart beat. Not everyone gets a picture of your babies as embryos!! #mindblown
Our first blood draw is Wednesday, the 24th and we'll know yes or no. If it's positive, we won't be able to tell if it's twins or a single pregnancy until about 6 weeks out. Danny is panicking, so we aren't using the "t" word, just yet. There is a 40% chance of twins however. I say, come what may - God knows what we can handle! He's saying...yes, and God knows we can only handle 1. We'll see, we'll see :)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
I will be keeping all 4 of you in my prayers!!
ReplyDeleteOh Emily I'm so happy/nervous/excited about your future! And BTW I love your writing style it's so honest and open and I can feel your emotions deeply. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.