I've remained on my daily injection of Progesterone, which is still not my favorite, but it's not forever. The doctor will re-run my Progesterone levels at the ultrasound appointment to see if I can start scaling back. It sounds like I might only need them another 4-5 weeks anyway, so what's another 28 shots when I've already done 18...
Earlier this week this pregnancy started to feel a little more real...the nausea started!! No complaints here - this is a great sign! Luckily, it comes and goes, but more than anything, I'm experiencing food aversion. Foods that I've always loved I can't even stand the sight of, and foods that I don't usually eat - let alone crave, I find myself needing, like, RIGHT NOW. I didn't think such things started this early, but after I ate a tuna sandwich for breakfast a few days ago and suddenly gag at the idea of coffee, I believe it. Shamefully, I admit that the last 3 nights I have wanted (and eaten) Wendy's for dinner. Not healthy I know, so don't go preachin' to the choir, but it was seriously the ONLY thing in the world that I thought I could handle...a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger and fries, with an icy glass of milk. Gross. I know. But it was so very delicious! And then there was the pickle incident...I may or may not have eaten half a jar of pickles in one sitting...so apparently, that really IS a thing!
Today, I am exactly 6 weeks pregnant. The babies have had beating hearts for a couple of weeks already! Although they are only the size of a grain of rice, they are still highly developed...my cool phone app showed me this today...
It is so amazing to me that something the size of a grain of rice can have this much complex function and detail...and life! I am humbled by this little miracle.
Our "heartbeat" ultrasound is next Tuesday, October 14th. I am excited and nervous. I have no idea what the outcome of this appointment may be - I don't really have a strong "gut" feeling either way. Last time the embryo did not make it to this point of the pregnancy and there was no heartbeat at this ultrasound back in January, so this appointment is monumental - to both of us. We are both much more optimistic this round - especially since I'm already having symptoms this time! I guess the question really now is: one or two, one or two...? EEK! God already knows and he'll let us in on his little secret in just 5 more days. 5 more days!
I can't wait to hear what happened at your appointment, I hope it was everything you could have imagined. �� I'll keep checking back for updates.
ReplyDeleteWe finally got our positive this round but our first and second beta were on the lower side but rose quickly for the third and forth. Dr Stoelk seems optimistic that we are ok. Our ultrasound is still 11 days away. I can't wait to know for sure that it was a success.
Jaime!!!! Please update me! I've been thinking about you :)