Saturday, May 28, 2011

Which came first - the chicken or the egg?

Have you ever watched a baby chick hatch out of it's little tiny egg? They work for hours and sometimes days to finally break through the thick brown shell. Once the egg fully cracks all the way through and breaks away from their tiny bodies, they muster all of the strength they can to spread their little, fragile wings - and experience space, air, and freedom for the very first time. A few more hours pass, and they fluff up to be the cutest, yellow fuzz balls you've ever seen and you think, there's no way that little, tiny, fluffy baby chick just came out of that itty, bitty egg shell?!

This analogy represents my life right now. I have spent years, exhaustively chipping through the shell of my heart, and finally, within the last 18 days, I have made a total break through. My heart has been unbound, the wings of my soul have spread, and there is no way you can un-do the growth and freedom I now have. My heart will simply not fit back into its old shell - nor would I want it to.

I took a stand for myself, and for love and I ended my 4 year relationship with my boyfriend. I refuse to settle for mediocre. I realize loving someone and being IN love with someone - are 2 completely different things. I am not willing to sacrifice the possibility of finding true love, for the habit of comfort and convenience. I shook things up. There were tears, there was drama, there is excitement, and then there was love. I couldn't have planned out the last 18 days if I had tried, but who am I to even attempt such things? God knows. He knows far more than we can begin to see or even imagine for ourselves. This is a good thing. I have hope. I have peace. My future is open. Here I stand, with my expanding heart on a platter, offering up my future to God's hands. After all, He's GOD - creator of the UNIVERSE...I'm pretty sure my plans wouldn't have stacked up to that anyway :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cambria=Love Affair

My glorious weekend was spent in Cambria, CA, a darling little beach town along the central coast. The flea market in Nipomo, was just the beginning to our weekend adventure. My Auntie and I drove all over the country side scouring antique malls, clothing and home decor boutiques, breaking for lunch at a fabulous little restaurant called Novo, where we sat out on the deck overlooking the creek running through San Luis Obispo - sipping Chardonnay from one of the local wineries (of course!). Ahh-mazing. I needed it. The vacation that is, not the wine...although it definitely helped :) It was a time of reflection. A time of prayer, peace-seeking, soul-searching, reflection. Not only did I get 13 hours of solitude in the car (each way), but I also had several thought provoking conversations with my aunt and her friend Lisa. Two strong women of faith, with solid marriages (of 30+ years each) and great advice. Over a glass of red wine, crackers, fruit and brie, we hashed out my life, my future, and the pending happiness in which I seek. I still don't have all of the answers, but I feel like I am closer. It was actually very sad for me to have to return to Oregon. I left a piece of my heart back in Cambria, and I'm starting to think I need to visit every few months for therapeutic purposes. This is why...

I passed this view point on my way to their house on Friday night. It was so beautiful, I had to stop. The hills looked like they had green velvet draped over them the way the sun hit. Stunning. You can see Morro Bay and Haystack Rock in the far distance along the shore line.

This was my "escort" as soon as I pulled into their driveway. He walked along side my car until I parked. He was strikingly beautiful.

You can see a bit of the pie shoppe and gift store that share the property with my aunt and uncle. Darling. This peacock thinks he owns the place though...poops wherever he pleases. My aunt hates him and I don't blame her after his ridiculous squawking in the wee morning hours. It was mating season - hence his fabulous tail feathers being present. They all fall out after his season is up. He was a lonely bird.

Lemon blossoms. Intoxicating. I'm obsessed.

Look at the amazing backdrop from their driveway. Love.

Roses, jasmine, lemon blossom, and fresh coastal air - if I could bottle the scent of the air standing in this spot, I would be rich.

Down to the creek we go...


A perfect porch for such conversations to occur. I am forever grateful.

just because.

Nipomo Love

I had the most GLORIOUS time down in California over the weekend. This flea market - "Remnants of the Past" - was on a beautiful farm/ranch in Nipomo, nestled within a citrus grove in the foothills of this incredible countryside. You can see the rolling green hills in the backdrop of some of the pictures, as well as some of the amazing citrus. The aroma of the blossoms was pure intoxication. It was 75 degrees, and perfect. Bliss, I tell you. Sweet, sweet bliss. Many of these images do not even need a caption, as the creativity speaks for itself. It was so crowded it was hard to take really great pictures anyway, but I snapped a few of some of my favorite displays...

Did you spot the chicken butt? Hehe :)