A lot can change in just a day with developing embryos. The doctor called today and out of the 12 strong embryos we had as of Sunday, only 4 of them are "primo" and have made it to the blastocyst stage and are eligible and ready for transfer.
Today at 2pm, we are transferring 2 of those into my uterus. We will freeze the remaining 2.
There are 6-8 that are still potentially growing, but the others are out of the running. The doctor said a few more might make it to the blastocyst stage from this slower group and we can freeze them tomorrow, but they will not all make it, if any.
It only takes 1.
God is in total control and we are entrusting these babies in his hands. He knows their future, he already knows their faces, their fingerprints, and the number of hairs on their heads...
I believe we serve an amazing God that has so much more in store for us - more than we could ever even dream for ourselves. Praying for HIS will. HIS plan. Praying for healthy, strong, normal, smart, beautiful babies.
It only takes 1.
He's got the whole world in HIS hands!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Oh Emily, sweet prayers for a precious child for you. Be strong. Be trusting.