Thursday, December 5, 2013

Harvest Day!

Today is the day that our babies are made. At 3:45pm today, my eggs will be harvested. Shortly following their retrieval, using a process called ICSI, the embryologist will inject one of Danny's single, healthy sperm into each egg, fertilizing every single mature and ready egg. In the lab. Lab babies! This is surreal to me. It is a miracle that science has come this far! We will know by tomorrow how many eggs took and are fertilized and growing. We will know a few days after that how many viable embryos we have. I have A LOT of eggs. A few dozen. Twice the average amount. My ovaries are the size of grapefruits!!!! Although I am extremely uncomfortable and bloated to say the least, this is still an amazing answer to prayer and will only increase our odds. This could mean a lot of embryos - or none at all. There are so many variables! We are praying for embryos. Healthy, strong, growing, perfect embryos. It only takes one. This is a big day. God is in control! I am ready. For today is the day our babies are made.

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting! Praying for you and for a pregnancy that you can fulfill your desire for motherhood. God is good.
