Last Friday morning, I went in for surgery on my uterus. If we're using big words here, it was a hysteroscopy with transection of the septum. In all honesty, I don't remember a thing - which is the beauty of anesthesia, I suppose. Before I woke back up, the doctor put a balloon in my uterus, to keep the walls of the uterus from collapsing on each other so it could heal properly. I can't really feel the balloon itself, I just feel bloated and a little uncomfortable. I was crampy off and on all weekend, but that was to be expected...nothing worse than cramps I have had before. They gave me Vicodin, but I only needed a few of those thank goodness because they made me a little loopy and itchy all over. Ibuprofen worked for the most part. I had never been under anesthesia before as this was my first surgery - so I really didn't know what to expect coming out of it. I ended up feeling so lethargic all weekend, as if I was moving in slow-motion and aware of it, but unable to do anything about it. It was weird. I was quieter than my usual self too, but that's because I think I was in a daze most of the time just staring off into space. I still feel tired, but my body is healing and making progress - less bleeding, less cramping. I am going up this afternoon to have the balloon removed. I spoke with the doctor this morning, and I will start taking Estrogen today so it starts plumping up my uterus. It's amazing they can manipulate the body into doing what it needs to do in preparing for this baby! Operation Baby Johnston, Part One: COMPLETE.
Danny, Ty, and I went up to Washington to visit Danny's dad, sister and family. We left Friday evening after my surgery. Luckily, I was able to sleep the whole drive. I feel bad I was probably not the best company all weekend, but they welcomed me with open arms, a Costco-sized bottle of Ibuprofen and a giant bag of maxi pads - haha!! This was the best 'welcome' ever! It was so good to see them! They live in Aberdeen and Danny grew up there, so he drove us all around and showed us his old stomping grounds. The weather was absolutely beautiful! We drove over to Ocean Shores on Saturday and then Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch! These gorgeous fall days spent with family made for such a perfect weekend. Thank you for having us and taking care of me - Dad, Nick, Jill, Taylor, and Cody!
Ocean Shores! A long stretch of beach you can drive right up on!
The boys had the whole go-cart track to themselves!
Pumpkin Patch!

Ty made a slimy friend with his cousin, Cody!
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