I don't want my honesty to be misconstrued complaining...for that is not what I am doing here. I'm just keeping it real. These baby boys are a miracle, a gift from above, and I would go through it all over again just to know I get to hold them in a matter of weeks.
I had my 8th ultrasound a week ago, Friday. My blood pressure has been jumping around a bit, so they have been monitoring it more closely. They ran a panel of blood work at the appointment and everything came back completely normal. A friend loaned me an electronic blood pressure cuff, so I've been monitoring it myself at home, morning and night as well, and it's been very consistent - well within the "normal" range. My feet and ankles have been swelling quite a bit too, so my OB recommended compression stockings. I stopped by Walgreens about 3 weeks ago after my last appointment with her and picked up a pair. I opted for the super sexy "open-toed" style. Luckily, as I'm sure you can imagine, these are super stylish and will accessorize any spring outfit! YES. Case in point...

The great news is, as of Friday's ultrasound, both babies are head down! This will allow me to try a natural delivery, which I have been hoping and praying for. If anything changes or complications arise, I will have a c-section, but not if I can avoid it! Baby A on my right, has always been lower - until Friday. Baby B is now a whole head lower on my left. They will not be changing their A/B status, but now baby B will be born first. They call this the "presenting" twin. I guess we will be presenting him to the world first! I don't think I've mentioned their names yet, have I? Baby A is Hudson Tyler. Baby B is Crew Everett. Crew has been my wild child. He is more active on a regular basis and his movements are much more dramatic and exaggerated in utero. I even saw him kick his brother in the ultrasound! He also flaunts his little man parts every.single.ultrasound. Hudson is more reserved - he gives me little nudges each day, but overall is much more relaxed and chill. He is more modest too and has only showed us that he was a boy once - at the anatomy scan. It was very clear, so we don't question it, but Danny has already had the boys names tattooed on his arms, so I joke that he better hope and pray "Hudson" is really not a "Cora" like we had originally been told and planned for ;)
Here is Hudson's sweet little face...

At the ultrasound, Hudson was estimated to weigh 3lbs 13oz already and Crew was estimated at 4lbs 3oz. That means I have about 8 pounds of baby going on in there already. Actually, since it's been a week since the ultrasound, they are probably about a 1/2 pound heavier each now, so it's probably closer to 9 pounds of baby total! I'd be done if this were a singleton! 8-9 pounds of baby = a very full term belly. Here is my latest side by side.

As of last Thursday, I have a maximum of 6 weeks left. That seems like a long ways, people. How much more room can I possibly give them?! My goal is to make it 4 more weeks - to 36 weeks, landing us on May 7th. May 9th is our anniversary, May 10th is Mother's Day - so May is going to be an exciting month for us!
We really don't know when they will be here, so back to that slogan "Hurry up and wait" that I love so much...I have been forced to put my type-A personality on the shelf and just wait it out. Not an easy task for this girl :)
Cankles and backaches aside, I have been truly blessed at how smoothly this has gone overall, and I am very grateful for that. I know the next 4-6 weeks will fly by and I can't wait to meet them!
You look fantastic! Stay strong, and keep cooking those boys. It will pay off in the long run. Hugs! I may have to come in and give you "live"