Wednesday, February 18, 2015

25 weeks!

I can't believe I am already 25 weeks. I can't believe I am ONLY 25 weeks. Haha - that's how I feel right now! I'm excited things are progressing so smoothly, but at the same time, getting anxious to meet them and unleash the chaos! I've been meaning to update, but honestly - there hasn't been much to document other than belly growth! I am really grateful and blessed it's going this smoothly and I still feel really good...normal aches and pains for pregnancy are setting in, but overall no complaints! We are getting closer to committing to 2 names (or 4 counting middle) but nothing is set in stone, just yet. Boy names were hard for us! We had a list of about 10 names for girls that we loved equally, and only a couple of 'ok' names for boys. We have a lot of friends with little boys, so perhaps all of the good names have been taken :) We do know one name for sure; Crew. Baby B (who we knew was the boy all along) has always been Crew. It's clean, simple, and strong - as is he because he is on my left side and is definitely the more active of the two. Baby A we are close to committing to, but not 100%. We want the names to be as different from each other, as the boys are. I'll let you know as soon as we decide!

As far as the nursery goes, it's a hot mess. It's still a guest room so to speak, and we have just been piling all things 'baby' into it. We are quickly outgrowing our little, mid-century house with almost no storage, so just trying to make it work! I feel the nesting kicking in though, because I've been purging home decor and old clothes left and right. It feels good to make room - but we have a long ways to go. I will really get down to business after my baby shower next month. I'll post pictures as soon as it starts resembling a nursery.

A few weeks ago, I had another ultrasound. They monitor twins SO closely, I think that was my 5th or 6th ultrasound. It almost seems excessive - I even asked if I could skip it since everything was going smoothly, but they said no. I'd much rather spend a few hundred dollars in the nursery or on necessities, but it is what it is! Here are 2 of my favorite images from that ultrasound...
They are currently heads up in there. This is a picture of all 4 of their feet down in my pelvis - like a dance party on my bladder, haha. They are in separate sacks as they are fraternal, but it's hard to see the division here.

This is a seated picture of Baby B. Those are baby buns!!

Here is a belly shot I took yesterday. I'm trying to convince myself if I wear red lipstick everyday now, maybe people won't notice my spreading double chin...HA! It's also hard for me to look at this picture and know I still have 13 weeks to go. Eek!

I have another ultrasound in about 2 weeks, so I'll update again then! Thanks for following our journey!

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