May 9th, was our one year anniversary. Not very romantic I suppose spending it in a hospital room, eating hospital food - which actually, is quite fantastic at OHSU if you go down to the third floor Cafe! How ironic that our anniversary fell on the day after the final surgery. I find it quite fitting, actually. Celebrating our year, our journey - the illness AND the recovery - I'm encouraged to know year two will start fresh and new - with a healthy beginning and positive outlook.
Looking back, I could have never predicted how the first year of marriage would be. They say, the first year is the hardest - well, I'd like to think that IS true, and that we totally nailed it. God allows us to be tested with trials and tribulations, but ultimately, he has a plan. He sees the big picture. I believe that. I wouldn't have changed a thing about our journey if it meant I wouldn't have Danny to walk through life with. I love him endlessly and I look forward to what the rest of our lives brings BABIES :)
May 9th, 2013

May 9th, 2012 -

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