A - Asscher, although round brilliant is classic and hard to beat. Diamonds are a girl's best friend...so the saying goes.
B - Babies. Chubby, happy ones with lots of hair.
C - Cupcakes. A simple butter yellow cake batter with chocolate frosting. - My Dad's favorite too :)
D - Danny. He makes my heart beat faster.
E - Ella Fitzgerald. Classic and smooth - makes me want to slow dance in the kitchen.
F - Fall. Crisp overcast mornings, warm sun-lit afternoons, and cool evenings with the smell of the first chimney fire in the nights' air - cozy layered clothing, the changing leaves, and a chai tea in hand.
G - Gummy Bears. Gummy bear kisses might even be better :)
H - Holding Hands (double points!) Seriously though, I love it...it's just so sweet.
I - Iced Caramel Macchiatos. Starbucks - summer drink of choice.
K - Kisses. "Always kiss me goodnight"
L - London. My favorite [baby] name as of late and a place I hope to visit someday.
M - Marriage. Sacred and forever. It's my turn. See: "W"
N - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. "She'll see it later, honey. Her eyes are frozen."
O - Organic cotton sheets and a feather down comforter.
P - Peonies, Pearls, and Persian cats.
Q - Quotes: "It is, what it is."
R - Ruby Woo - MAC lipstick. Wear it like you OWN it.
S - San Luis Obispo, CA. Perhaps one of my favorite places of all time.
T - Tyler. My favorite 8-year old and my favorite candle.
U - Urban Outfitters - because Anthropologie doesn't start with a "U"
V - Volvo. SUV.
W - Weddings. I love to attend them, not sure I actually want one - too much hullabaloo for 1 day and the thought of being the center of attention makes me panic.
X - What starts with X, anyway?
Y - Yoga. My exercise of choice - when I actually do it.
Z - Z Gallerie. Full of modern ideas and a great place to pick up wall art.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
LOVE iced caramel macchiatos! and Peonies and Christmas Vacation and marriage and gummy bears and fall and yoga. Sheesh! Let's be best friends. miss you. lets get together!