Have you ever watched a baby chick hatch out of it's little tiny egg? They work for hours and sometimes days to finally break through the thick brown shell. Once the egg fully cracks all the way through and breaks away from their tiny bodies, they muster all of the strength they can to spread their little, fragile wings - and experience space, air, and freedom for the very first time. A few more hours pass, and they fluff up to be the cutest, yellow fuzz balls you've ever seen and you think, there's no way that little, tiny, fluffy baby chick just came out of that itty, bitty egg shell?!
This analogy represents my life right now. I have spent years, exhaustively chipping through the shell of my heart, and finally, within the last 18 days, I have made a total break through. My heart has been unbound, the wings of my soul have spread, and there is no way you can un-do the growth and freedom I now have. My heart will simply not fit back into its old shell - nor would I want it to.
I took a stand for myself, and for love and I ended my 4 year relationship with my boyfriend. I refuse to settle for mediocre. I realize loving someone and being IN love with someone - are 2 completely different things. I am not willing to sacrifice the possibility of finding true love, for the habit of comfort and convenience. I shook things up. There were tears, there was drama, there is excitement, and then there was love. I couldn't have planned out the last 18 days if I had tried, but who am I to even attempt such things? God knows. He knows far more than we can begin to see or even imagine for ourselves. This is a good thing. I have hope. I have peace. My future is open. Here I stand, with my expanding heart on a platter, offering up my future to God's hands. After all, He's GOD - creator of the UNIVERSE...I'm pretty sure my plans wouldn't have stacked up to that anyway :)
I love this analogy! I'm happy for my friend's happy new heart. Love you!