Christmas for me this year, was just going through the motions - whatever it took to get it over with. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that this is the first Christmas my dad wasn't here on earth with us. Something just felt like it was missing - a small unfulfillable void his passing left behind. Perhaps, it also had something to do with the fact that when you work retail in the most commercialized and overly retail-centered holiday there is, you tend to not really care about anything else because you're surrounded with people who have lost sight of the meaning of Christmas, caught up in the commercialism, running around in a mad flurry just having to buy
something to get the job done. It kind of robs the "joy of giving" right out of you. And it's not even about GIFTS. This year I decided I would not be pressured into buying a bunch of unnecessary, useless crap just to get the job done. I only gave to the people immediately surrounding my family and circle, and I tried to put some thought and personalization into it - even if it was something as simple as a vintage pearl necklace that I picked up over the summer at an estate sale, or a handmade headband, or a Tyler candle - which I adore, so I love giving them. Anyway, it felt good to stay out of the easy habit of obligatory spending/giving and just give because it felt right and I wanted to. It made a small difference in my Christmas this year, even if I'm glad it's over and we have a full eleven + months left until the next one...

Best present ever...SMOOCH!

Cupcake cupcake pan, cupcake apron, and a pink whip :)

Paul harnessing his inner "Wolverine"...PLEASE SHAVE.

Mum and me

Poor Tommy was so sick on Christmas...this is the best smile I could get! He probably wasn't overly excited by the pile of boring work clothes that I got him either, hehe.
cupcake gifts! fun:) Professional baker in the making. And dear me, Paul. He literally looks like X-men. haha