Tommy is now a manager for Key Bank - out at the Stayton branch. Every year, Key Bank has something they refer to as the "Reindeer Run." They designate a day every year before Christmas for all of the managers in a particular area to dress up, get together and drive a van around to branches in their areas, delivering presents to the rest of the employees at their various branches. Of course, Tommy's favorite part of this is the "dress up" part - as I am 147% positive he volunteered for this. Last weekend was dedicated to finding him the perfect costume...the ELF. He pieced this outfit together on his own for the most part, but I gave in and assisted him when it came to purchasing women's hosiery. OMG, I can't believe I just typed that. Anyway, he was so excited this morning because today was the day. He got up, and got dressed up before he even left the house. Most people would have waited to change at work, or would have even worn jeans over the costume. Nope, not Tommy. Here' s a little picture of what I woke up to this morning...ears and all.
This is beyond awesome. So so awesome! hahaha