I had my glucose test yesterday. Everyone WAY over exaggerated when warning me about how awful this was supposed to be. I checked in, and they handed me a cup about 12 ounces full of cold, orange soda-like liquid. I gulped it down in 3 minutes and waited an hour for the blood draw. Really? That's it? Not a big deal. They called later on in the day and I passed - no gestational diabetes for me! Thank God! I had a cookie to celebrate.
I took the picture on the right last Sunday night. These pictures were taken exactly 11 weeks apart, and as of Sunday, I had just about 11 weeks still to go!
10 weeks left. How, you ask?? That is an excellent question. Where will these boys go? I already feel stretched to capacity! I know they have quite a bit of room in there still because I can feel them flip-flopping around. I know the further I progress, the tighter their living quarters will be and eventually I won't feel as much because they'll be wedged in there. I just don't know how much bigger this belly can grow though! Praying I don't split down the middle, haha - but honestly, the human body is pretty amazing, right?! I don't even want to think about what it's going to be after they are born, so we will just say it's amazing NOW. :)
Now that I'm 28 weeks, I will have a check-up every 2 weeks with my OB. Yesterday, she said I looked great, the babies are doing great, and I very well could go the full 38 weeks and deliver full-term, 7 pound babies! Ok! Bring it on!
Next on the list - the nursery! After my shower, I'll crack down and get it all pulled together. I have a game plan at least, so it will pull together really quickly once I have everything I need, and we break down the guest bed and store my crafting supplies...and possibly (most likely, absolutely) make a trip to IKEA!
Stay tuned as things continue! I will keep everyone posted :)