Well - he was WRONG.

Those would be wieners. 2 wieners.
I am 20 weeks pregnant with twin BOYS! Haha, wow!
After taking a moment of silence to wrap my head around this new information, I have redirected my game plan, Pinterest searches, names, and nursery!
Darling things like this:

and this:
Ty and I even took a quick spin through the baby section on our last grocery shopping trip. This was my first gender-specific purchase...classic and cuddly little boy hoody sets. I love that they are not exactly matching. We want to encourage their individuality, so we will not be dressing them identically.

A dear friend gave me these too a few days ago. She said she bought these weeks ago before we even knew gender. She has 3 beautiful boys of her own, so perhaps it was her boy-mom instinct! Still in the womb and already little rockers, like dad!
Meanwhile, this is happening...

I'm so thankful for these boys and that everything is going smoothly! I've been feeling better each day for the most part and I've even started to feel them move on a daily basis - even if it's just a nudge. I still have a long way to go, but I know it will go quickly! I'm trying to savor each day, each nudge, as I count down the weeks until we get to meet these little dapper gents :)