"We have so much to be thankful for everyday, but today we get to share this with you! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of 2 little bugs due this June! Happy Thanksgiving! #JuneBugs"
We had our first fetal ultrasound on October 14th. Even the doctor called it a "Halloween Face" haha...
Both embryos took! This was the first image we got of them. Here, I was only 6 1/2 weeks pregnant and the babies were the size of blueberries. However, with the miracle that is technology, we heard and saw 2 strong, fast, healthy heartbeats! Music to my ears!
We went back a few weeks later, on November 3rd, and got a second peek to make sure everyone was still looking good...

At only 9 1/2 weeks, this was the close up on one of them. Keep in mind the baby is the size of a grape here...AMAZING.
Again, we heard 2 healthy, strong heartbeats! Praise God! This appointment was bittersweet for me though, as it was our last appointment with the fertility doctor and his wonderful staff! I feel like they've been such a huge part of this journey, it was a little sad leaving the clinic that day knowing they wouldn't carry out my care with the rest of this pregnancy. We took a picture with Dr. Stoelk and his rockstar of a nurse, Milly! Love you guys! I promise we'll be back with the babies in tow!
Look at these cute onesies they gave us! "NWFC Baby" (Northwest Fertility Clinic)
After Dr. Stoelk released me over to a regular OB, I was able to get in just 10 days later. She did another ultrasound that I wasn't expecting. I was exactly 11 weeks pregnant at this appointment. She said the babies look perfect and I was going to "rock this twin thing"...yay!
She got a shot of each baby individually here...the baby on the bottom looks like a baby, but the verdict is out for the baby in the top picture. Sea Lion? Squirrel? Haha. I took me forever to see it, but the baby is on its head :)
I have another ultrasound (a nuchal translucency ultrasound) on Tuesday at the hospital. It's a newer ultrasound where they take a really close look at the babies, looking for early signs of Down Syndrome and heart defects. They have to do this particular ultrasound before 14 weeks, because the baby's skin is still translucent, and they can see so much more this early. I will also meet with a genetic counselor and a Periontologist from OHSU too. My doctor says this is all standard, so I'm not worried, however it's a 4 hour appointment! It is still too early to detect gender with much accuracy, but I will schedule THAT appointment with them when I'm there. I still haven't bought ANYTHING so I'm really quite excited to find out what we're having! Several months ago before I was even pregnant, I had a dream that I was pregnant with twin girls. The twin part came true - maybe just maybe it's 2 girls :)
Last, but not least - here's a belly shot of me from yesterday after our Thanksgiving feast aboard the Portland Spirit dinner cruise! Can I get an AMEN for paneled maternity pants?! YES!
With full bellies and full hearts, Happy Thanksgiving from the 5 of us!