Or February babies if you add 40 weeks :)
What a ride...
I think we've experienced a delay emotionally in our response to this process. After time to reflect upon the loss of our failed first IVF round, I think we've come to the conclusion we need to postpone the FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer).
We need time to heal, time to grow closer as a couple, time to get excited about this again...not just getting pregnant, but what that looks like in perspective to growing our little family permanently, and the love we share to do it with.
Those of you who have never experienced IVF or other fertility treatments, may not understand the loss of excitement that can occur during this process. Of course having a baby is exciting and amazing, but there is so much more we have to do and go through to actually get there. I've mentioned in posts before how clinical and medically monitored this process is. It consumes you. You are charting, documenting, injecting...blood tests, googling every result - every number, every step. The goal is holding that sweet, tiny, beautiful baby in your arms, but until then as the doctor himself would tell you, there are no guarantees.
Ultimately, it's in God's perfect timing. We have no control over the outcome. We feel like waiting is the best thing to do in this moment and we will pick up where we left off at the end of April...just a few short months away. What's a few months in the scheme of life? It will fly by before you know it and we will be in a better space to move forward. FETs are so much easier than IVF. It will be something we can look forward to and I am confident God will renew our love and excitement for not only this baby, but grow us closer as a couple as we prepare for parenthood together :)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago