Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Lovekin.

Lets get this party started right...
Hot Chocolate. Check.
Sound of Music soundtrack on vinyl. Check.
Record player to play said record. Check.

Pumpkins, and a very VERY excited 8 year old: Check.

Power Tools: Check. Wait. What? Yes - real men carve pumpkins with a jigsaw! Oh, how I love this :)

A pattern: Check.

A master goop-scooper: Check. You rock, Alyssa!

A steady hand, a sharp object, and sheer determination: Check, check, check.

Ty's Pac-Man may or may not be my favorite!!!

My favorite boys...♥ them!


Monday, October 24, 2011


It's days like this I feel so blessed. I had a wonderful weekend spent with people I absolutely love. This morning, I woke up in a cozy bed, wrapped in the warm arms of someone who adores me. It is a crisp, cold day and despite being able to see your own breath, the sun is shining. I noticed how beautiful the leaves on the trees seem to be today as I drove to work, picking up a pumpkin spice latte on the way. I arrived at work, opened the shop, kicked on the heater and the music, and here I sit - comfy warm, enjoying the latte and a slice of warm, home-made banana bread reflecting on my life and so grateful for what I have, who I have, and where I am. It is a good, make that a GREAT day. Thank you, Lord!